Here's the way it works: After you become a member of the group you can post items for sale you are wanting to purge. If you see something you are interested in you simply comment and the seller and you work out a way to connect and 'make the exchange'. It's like going on a treasure hunt every time you scroll trough the items and you'll never know what might pop up. I have seen everything from baby clothes/items to home decor, jewelry, purses and just now a vehicle. I have also been able to post some of my own things and have made a few bucks in the process. You know what they say...'One man's trash is another man's treasure." I can't emphasize how true this is as I had an old beat up trunk I posted and women were commenting left and right trying to be the new owner of this great piece. One unexpected surprise I have received is the opportunity I have had to meet and get acquainted with some wonderful ladies. A few of my friends (who are further along in their clean out quest) have made some serious cash, while others have been able to clothe their kiddies in great style for school for pennies on the dollar. Some have completely mastered these and are doing both. Just when I thought it couldn't get any better I was told by my 'bestie' of a spin off Facebook group, Midlothian, TX MAKES IT and Sells It!
This group is composed of gals who make custom items and sell them. Genius! I have already seen a few things I will be ordering as gifts and with the holidays right around the corner I know these girls will be in big demand. Below are some pics of just a few of the items from the above named groups. My suggestion to some of you out there...take note from these innovative ladies and start a FB group in your area. The possibilities to make and save money are endless!
I wanted this but was too late :( ...what a steal! $50
Who couldn't use these?
Great for upcoming holiday parties. Size 8 - $15
Adorable! are some of the creative( and yummy) pieces from the Makes It and Sells It group.
Love this hat! |
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